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McKay Consulting Group
Creating school cultures of continuous improvement | You Don’t Have to Be Bad to Get Better

Strengthening Student Engagement: Protocols and Strategies for the Classroom

Teachers who learn virtually are more comfortable integrating technology into their classrooms.

This course provides teachers, instructional coaches, mentors and teacher leaders with the tools and resources they need to engage students in rigorous learning.  The course begins with six hours of facilitated, onsite learning followed by nine hours of virtual learning that occurs at a time and place of the learner’s choosing. This format allows teachers to connect via group chats, wikis, blogs, forums and e-collaborate sessions. Educators at all levels will learn what it takes for students to move beyond compliance and become active participants in their own learning. Using authentic video clips of classroom practice, teachers will develop tools and ideas they can immediately take back to their classrooms. As a result, they will be more strategic and intentional when planning for student engagement, creating classrooms where students love to learn and teachers love to teach.

Throughout the duration of the course, participants can ask technical questions and get support in the Blended Learning platform. Monitoring tools such as usage reports, performance dashboard and a summary of user activity help keep learners on track throughout the duration of the course. Participants will also have the opportunity to go through a multi-media orientation course for each Blended Learning experience they have. It is our goal that Blended Learning participants will be fully supported with using the virtual platform.


Learning Targets

  • I can distinguish between compliance and student engagement in learning.
  • I can explain the differences between effective and highly effective levels of student engagement.
  • I can use data from student work to inform my lessons.
  • I can incorporate student engagement protocols into my instructional practice.
  • I can design lessons that challenge, engage and empower students.

Course Outline

Why Engaging Students in Learning Matters!

  • Beliefs about teaching, students and their capacity to learn
  • Creating cultures that promote rigor and engagement
  • Compliance versus engagement

Planning for Student Engagement

  • Learning targets
  • Matching targets with assessments
  • Tools for students to track their learning

Elements of Student Engagement

  • Cognitive challenge
  • Choice
  • Student ownership
  • Relevance
  • Materials and resources

Making Thinking Visible

  • Using anchor charts
  • Visible thinking protocols

Using Data to Meet the Needs of All Learners

  • Scaffolding lessons
  • Differentiating lessons
  • Assessment for learning strategies

Putting it all Together

  • Designing lessons that engage all students in rigorous learning
  • Sharing lessons learned


Contact us for further details and pricing.